Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Why we won't outlive the dinosaurs--Reason 2

Sexiest vegetarian? Are we serious? I'm all for a vegan lifestyle, and am quite proud of the fact that I am slowly weening meat out of my diet. I am even grateful for the healthy effects on my digestion, and for the added bonus of the weight loss. But sexy? Is this PETA's way of using sex to make people stop eating animals? For shame. I would think that PETA was above using unethical means of advertising that corporate moguls cherish. I guess I was wrong. Way to sell out!

Why we won't outlive the dinosaurs--Reason 1

So, it's apparently not enough for a young girl to be encouraged to work hard, overcome odds, and and be encouraged to go that extra mile, thinking "yes I can" instead of "I think I can". Apparently, if they are not attractive....then they can't be an Olympian of note. This is probably one of those articles that we are so accustomed to seeing, that we have become numb to the fact that its horribly sexist. This young lady is 18 years old, and, while attractive, should not be getting more attention because she is attractive. Yes, it might mean more lucrative contracts for her, but since when did the cover of cereal boxes only tout attractive athletes? If memory serves me, the men on those boxes are not held to the same standards of "attractiveness" as are the women (i.e. hairy armpits abound in those photos).

Sunday, June 22, 2008

It begins....

Hello all:

In keeping with mob mentality, here is my forum for dispensing what I consider long-overdue social critique (and what others might consider horse manure...same difference). For too long, I have kept most of my thoughts to myself, or have poured them out over the phone to my like-minded friends. This might just save some of their ears, and save some of my sanity.

Just FYI---I hate the modern complacency towards social stupidity. Most of what you will hear from me comments on that in all walks of life. We are far to willing to stick our heads in the sand for our own personal comfort. We will trade our life, our liberty, and our pursuit of happiness for a higher paycheck or the consumable of the month. We have yet to see that our obsessions with all things that entertain us are merely ways of distracting us from what makes us miserable. Yet, instead of dealing with it, we like to put it aside, and pretend that the giant pink elephant in middle of the room isn't actually there.

Rant again soon.