Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Respect, Protect, Reject 2012

Respect, Protect, Reject 2012
take action

Join us in calling for Congress to RESPECT women, PROTECT Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and REJECT any budget plans that threaten the economic security of women.

Sign Our Petition! http://respectprotectreject2012.org

Very soon, members of Congress will reach an agreement on how to reduce the federal deficit. As much as $4 trillion could be cut from the federal budget over the next decade. These cuts will touch upon virtually every program that serves and employs women. Currently, some negotiators are refusing to accept new taxes to raise revenues as part of the package, which could result in deep benefit cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and an array of other critical safety net programs. The economic well-being of women, communities or color, persons with disabilities, low-income earners and their families are at stake.

Negotiators have a deadline to create an agreement and then to raise the debt ceiling by Aug. 2. We have a deadline, too; we have to step up the pressure on Congress now. We also have to make sure that Congress does not sell us out in a bad deal. We are not willing to allow women to be robbed to pay for the vacation homes and multi-million dollar bonuses for millionaires and billionaires.

The National Council of Women's Organizations (NCWO) and its allies are making sure that women are respected in these negotiations. We must assure that programs which disproportionately serve and employ women are protected. Any effort to undercut these programs must be rejected.

Here's what you can do NOW:

Sign our petition by clicking on this link http://respectprotectreject2012.org

  1. Send the petition via e-mail to your friends, colleagues and contacts - ask them to sign on.
  2. Tweet and retweet the RPR2012 tweet of the day; be sure to use the #RPR2012 hashtag.
  3. Re-post to your Facebook and tell all your friends to sign the petition.
  4. Take it a step further: write a letter, call, or meet with your elected representatives to tell them to reject cuts that threaten women's economic security.
  5. Visit the RPR2012 Campaign website for talking points, fact sheets, and more important information.
  6. Call Your Senators (1-866-251-4044): Thursday, July 14 and Friday, July 15 are National Call-In Days to encourage senators not to sign onto a bad deal.
  7. Questions? Contact NOW Field Organizer Anita Lederer at fieldorg@now.org or call 202-628-8669 x134.
take action and then donate

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