Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Et tu, HBO? HBO's Treme joins assault against women and throws us under a bus

It's the same old song and dance--media outlets trying to appease the religious right by removing images of a woman choosing to end her pregnancy on TV, opting instead for the more "dramatic" idea of keeping the baby. This time, however, they have gone TOO FAR by implying that Plan B distributed to rape victims is the equivalent of an abortifacent.

I'm speaking about episode 203, "On your way down". One of the main characters, LaDonna Batiste-Williams, confronts two assailants, and the scene then quickly cuts away. We later see her being carried in, submitting to a rape kit, and being given all the necessary drugs to prevent STIs and HIV. When the nurse begins to distribute Plan B, however, she begins a speech about how it is LaDonna "choice as to whether or not she wants to take it." The nurse then gets interrupted before LaDonna can make her decision. This is where I take serious issue.

Let me say this as loud as I can: PLAN B IS NOT AN ABORTIFACENT! It is emergency contraception, and contraception PREVENTS fertilization, therefore preventing a pregnancy. I find it abhorrent that HBO would imply otherwise, or be a proponent of this FALSE information to the public. Furthermore, why would you present a woman with the choice keep an attackers' baby--particularly when the contracepttion would prevent the pregnancy, not abort it? It underscores the neo-conservative and Christian Right views of women as nothing more than mere vessels for the reception of sperm--with no control over her own well-being. While there might very well be many hospitals giving out this misinformation, why would HBO promote it, and worse, why would this strong female character just accept this misinformation?

Please help me send HBO a message. (information posted below). I'm hoping we can get NOW NYC, NOW NYS, and NOW National to chime in, as well as get a petition going for a formal apology. Can anyone help me do this?

Send HBO email

Make some noise on the HBO blog for Treme

Time Warner Inc.
One Time Warner Center
New York, NY 10019-8016

Vice President
Corporate Communications
Time Warner Inc.
One Time Warner Center
New York, NY 10019-8016


crystal said...

I enjoyed reading your blog and honestly did not take the episode in the way that you projected it. If that was HBO's intention it is horrible that they would portray Plan B in this way.

I on the other hand, too the pan away not the way you did, but as a lead for another plot later on. Since LaDonna's husband does not know she got raped if she didn't take the drug and turns up pregnant she will have to face that situation.

I suppose we will only know what the creator's intentions were after the show pans out a little bit.

Credit Bureau Experts said...

What's wrong with having a choice? She should have the choice on whether or not to take the other medicine as well.