I'm not one to respond to unreasonable comments, since usually someone is only trying to get a rise out of someone for perverse pleasure. To be flippant about rape, or to blame the victim, usually implies that there are some deep-seeded issues with the person making the comments. However, given the serious misunderstanding of the definition of rape, I thought it wise to speak to the matter:
Wow, sicilian. Just wow. I have no idea where to best begin to correct the absolutely vile and untrue statements that you have made, particularly since this vitriol is stemming from a place of such extreme anger and hatred towards women that it may be futile to even attempt to call you out on your BS. In addition, since you already are poised to discredit feminists by calling us "insane" and "liars", then it seems you are not open to reasonable discussions whatsoever. Unlike you, I will respectfully refrain from forming no end of incorrect and stereotypical judgments about you based solely on the tasteless and incoherent comments above, mostly because I have no desire to bait you--since you obviously have only said what you have said out because you find it perversely amusing to raise someone's ire. For your sake, I hope you find inner peace at some point before you are saddled with no end of medical maladies. This response, therefore, is not for you.
This response is for everyone else--male and female--who seem to have a very confused idea of what constitutes rape, and therefore find it hard to think of rape absent the bludgeoning. Rape is non-consensual sex. Non-consensual does not mean "forcible". It means that one of the two parties did not agree--or did not possess the ability to agree--to sex. For example, if you are too young to consent to sex, it is rape. If you consent to one form of sex, but not another, it is rape. If you are married, but do not consent to sex, it is rape. If you are being held at gunpoint and ask your attacker to where a condom--it is rape. Last but not least, if you are too drunk to move, and can't even properly pronounce the word sex, then you cannot consent to sex--hence, it is rape. There is no difference between a predator that beats a victim to submission and the predator who waits for someone to pass out from too much alcohol--save for the fact that the later will leave comments on blogs that call feminists insane liars and will blame the victim. Rape is rape, and every time it is reported someone must go to jail. There is no gray area.
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