When Jerin asked me to put
together some thoughts about the Twitter fight that had erupted over the
coverage/non-coverage of a feminist event, and how this inflamed a dichotomy
within our ranks between feminists who are and are not WOC, I have to say that
I had a bit of a time getting my thoughts together, mostly because there is so
much, and also so little to say on the matter.
I also had some concerns that I would be attacked for what I say.
Bring it on.
The problem can be summarized thusly:
Can white feminists ever be able to understand the experience of WOC feminists?
Don’t even argue.
Do women of color experience feminism differently than white women?
Do women of color care about different care about different issues than white women?
Should they?
Has this argument gone completely off the rails?
Right now there are Republicans, conservatives, and all manner of
anti-women groups—both overt and covert—that are giddy over this internal
battle. We’re more concerned that we are
policing the conversation than we are about the conversation itself. We are too busy replying to a tweet before we
think about what we want to say.
Here’s my answer:
We all care about the exact same things, but we lack the perspective to realize that all of these issues are intricately interrelated. My suggestion is that we STFU and CTFD, and let’s draw some parallels. Bickering only makes us look disorganized, and it is this fracturing that has failed us EACH AND EVERY TIME. We need to discuss the inequalities within the movement, and it is imperative that we find a way to do this in such a way that it includes both older and young feminists alike. A recent article by Robert Reich discusses these differences in greater detail. One July 24th, 2013, he writes in the Huffington Post that:
“People who respect authority, follow orders, want clear answers, obey
commands, and prefer precise organization and control, tend to gravitate toward
Republicans. On the other hand, people who don't much like authority, recoil
from orders, don't believe in clear answers, often disobey commands, and prefer
things a bit undefined, tend to gravitate to the Democrats. In short, the Republican
Party is the party of the authoritarian personality; the Democratic Party is
the party of the anti-authoritarian personality (Reich 2013).”
It is no different for feminists. As women, we are second class
citizens. This fact is inarguable,
regardless of how you might feel about yourself. However, in grouping all women into the
category of “women”, we neglect the many nuances of experience that age,
upbringing, culture, schooling, economics, politics, health, personal
experiences of freedom, religion, citizenship, workplace, family, and life
bring to the conversation when we try to define feminism. Feminism is all of these things, and none of
these things.
There is no clear answer to what we stand for because the issues are
varied. Previous attempts have angered
one faction or another. This is our
fault, and we need to take ownership of that responsibility. We have left Feminism undefined (and I do
not mean that there is no mission statement on the NOW websites—there is) in an
attempt to be inclusive to all. While
this is noble, it is also fraught with pitfalls. How can someone identify with a movement that
cannot clearly identify itself amongst itself?
We also need to fix it, and fix ourselves—in part by becoming less
sensitive to comments (so we can respond calmly and not like the buffoons on TV
to someone ignorant—though innocent—question), but also because feminism is
constantly ADDING to its definition. We
do not EVOLVE or CHANGE the definition, as I fear some younger feminists seem to
For example, a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body is NOT
less significant just because the issue began to receive public notice over 40
years ago, but it might not be chief among the concerns of all feminists. That’s completely acceptable. The persecution of women in the foreign
countries is appalling, but for some feminists the issue of reproductive
choice, Social Security, Medicare, and Voting Rights is of a greater
concern. This is also fine. In fact, I fail to see the issue that has
been raised at all—and over lack of media coverage.
Let me share a personal story, so that I can give everyone a bit of
background about myself.
I am both Spanish and Italian.
This makes me both Hispanic and
Caucasian. I fail to see how the
differentiation is made, but no matter.
I have been reminded—constantly and with prejudice of what I am and am
not. This is in part because to look at
me, anyone would see a white person (unless you have family members of Spanish
descent). I mention in part because my
education level (Ph.D. candidate in the sciences), family situation (married
for 10 years, no kids, going to be 38 soon), and job level/income (I work as an
engineer by day, and I teach dance in the evenings) also tend to throw into
flux a casual observers snap judgment.
Why is this important? I’ve
been reminded—rudely—by other Hispanics that I am not Hispanic if I am from
Spain (not true technically, but hey I don’t have to hang out with
haters). I’ve also been reminded by
whites that I am not actually white, usually like this:
Me: Hi, I’m [insert Hispanic sounding name
replete with accent}
Them: Oh. Where are you from? [Not even a Hello, mind
Me: Huntington
Them: I mean where were you born? [That takes some
Me: New York
Them: No I mean are
you from this country [yes and I’m a citizen and pay taxes and I managed to
finish high school without getting pregnant too. Funny considering I’m Hispanic, huh?]
I’m not saying that my experience of life is typical, nor that it
should be held up as an example. What I
am saying is this:
Does there exist a thinly-veiled
racism amongst whites towards persons of color?
Heck yeah.
Is it as prevalent today as it
was decades ago?
Yes. I don’t see where we’ve made much progress
(more on this later).
Will white people try to deny it
and say that racism is no longer an issue.
Yes. They’ve never experienced the legacy of
hate. They can’t understand.
Are persons of color also
Heck yeah.
Is it as prevalent today as it
was decades ago?
Yes. Let’s own our faults.
Will persons of color try to
deny that they are racist, or try to justify their racism by saying that it is
a response to racism that they have experienced at the hands of white?
How do I know all of this?
Because when I am in a room with all white people, they will make racist
comments until they learn that I am not “white”. Likewise, when I am around other Hispanics,
and reveal that I am also Hispanic, there exist a tendency to bash white people
(this should not be news. We have all
seen every flavor of comedian explore this).
What’s my point?
It’s not hard to draw the parallels between my personal experiences of
how whites and persons of color perceive racism, and how different parties
within NOW perceive feminism. What we
are forgetting is that we are essentially the same, but are quibbling over the
semantics so much—trying to carve out a niche for ourselves, or perhaps to
establish our own unique stamp on a movement—that we are failing women.
Let’s not deny the truth. The
chief reason that so much progress that we have gained over the past 40+ years
is currently being rolled back is because we were lazy. We wanted to believe we were safe, and that
the issues we had fought were settled.
Yeah, right. Just like racism was
settled all those years ago, right?
Perhaps we were so exhausted from the fight that we wanted to believe
that certain issues were “handled.”
Wrong. My advice is for us to
face our failure, and now redouble our efforts, taking a page from the
incredibly efficient and well-organized Republicans to get our house in
Why do I say that? Let’s take an
issue such as violence against women.
Does it matter if it occurs to Christian women in the US or Muslim women
in Afghanistan or undocumented workers in an ICE holding cell or on a Federal
Indian reservation? How about reproductive choice? Can anyone honestly say that an undocumented
worker in the United States doesn’t care about being able to be afforded the
right to choose whether to start a family, and a white middle class woman
does? What about the economy? Are we saying that feminists are so concerned
over trans-vaginal ultrasounds and which politician is trivializing rape that
we fail to see that Congress has made multiple attempts to defund health care,
infrastructure, education, and attempted destroy Social Security and Medicare? Has anyone wondered where our right to vote
has gone and why?
All of our issues are intricately interrelated. Let me give you a summary of my master’s
Disenfranchisement of the poorest amongst us (minorities, students,
elderly—who tend to vote more liberally) means that we lose our voice in our
legislative bodies. This results not
only in gerrymandering of a district, which further restricts representation,
but also in laws that do not reflect the will of the people. Isolation within districts causes cognitive
dissonance in our representatives, who then vote according to how they feel
because they feel safe within their districts.
On the national level, this can have significant consequences, which in
turn affect the states as well as specific districts. The trend towards party-line voting, with no
significant bipartisan support of any legislation to date, creates
controversial issues out of things which once were not.
In the cognitive dissonant mind, education is now seen as an
“entitlement” so young people should feel proud to take out crushing amounts of
loans and ashamed of themselves if they cannot pay it back. Infrastructure is a
luxury we cannot afford to upkeep, not even when a hurricane destroys several
states, unless we cut funding to Social Security. Paying back interest on our debts is held
hostage until such time as healthcare reform is repealed, since socialist
usurpation of government. Gun control is
a fascist control of freedom. Voter fraud is something that actually
exists. Block grants should more than
pay for an elderly person to afford private health care on their reduced Social
Security income, as long as the elderly get part time jobs in the underpaid and
non-union service industry of their choice.
Women are sluts simply for pursuing higher education and stepping out
into the workforce when they should be focused on raising a family, and they
should be satisfied with making 77/100 cents and grateful that they were not
raped in the parking lot since access to abortion and contraception is slowly
diminishing, and the police won’t believe they weren’t asking for it even if
the perpetrator posts a video of the attack on YouTube. As for immigrants, you are all terrorists.
There is not one word of this summary that does not apply to everyone
woman in the US. I am sure that I have
missed more than a few issues (like that dichotomy between young and old
feminists), but if we approach our cause with a spirit of integration, rather
than isolating ourselves to only a few causes, we should be able to attract
many more voices to our cause. Let’s not
waste time with twitter fights over misunderstandings. Let’s go do something much more
important—resurrect the rights we have lost for the next generation of young
feminists to not appreciate it but benefit greatly from it. That would make me a happy woman indeed
Sources Cited
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